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Lauren Hough Announces Retirement of Quick Study

Quick Study at CSI5* Dinard in 2015

Quick Study at CSI5* Dinard in 2015

Lauren Hough has announced the retirement of 17-year-old Selle Francais, Quick Study (Quick Star—Sirene de Plantro, What A Joy XX), after a decade-long partnership that traveled the world many times over.

“It is with great pride, and a touch of sadness, that I am announcing the retirement of my partner of 10 years, Quick Study, better known to his friends as Joey,” said Hough from her winter base in Wellington, Fla. “We have had a remarkable journey together and have had the opportunity to compete all over the world and represent our country at many prestigious events and championships along the way.”

A few of Hough’s favorite highlight from Joey’s career with her include winning the Grand Prix of Hamburg in 2010 and the Grand Prix of Dublin in 2011. “One of my most memorable Nations Cup wins was on Joey at Rotterdam in 2010,” she said. “It was an all-women team, and we won on zero faults! The accolades and wins mean a lot to me, but the relationship and bond that we created along the way are what I'm proudest of, and his character and quirkiness are traits I’ll always remember.”

“To say that he was a handful when he arrived to my stable in the summer of 2006 would be a bit of an understatement,” Hough added. “He taught me quickly that you nicely ask and don't tell him what to do. He taught me that patience is a virtue and that sometimes meeting in the middle is the best approach. Joey taught me a lot of lessons that I hope I will continue to use in my career with horses in the future.”

Hough would like to extend her thanks and gratefulness to the team that has helped her and Joey on their journey. “First and foremost, I thank his owners Laura and Meredith Mateo,” she said. “They have always entrusted me to make the decisions that are best for Joey. I am eternally grateful to the Mateo family for all of their support and trust.

“Justine Raven and Sara Rudberg were his main grooms throughout most of his career. They loved him and took care of both of us, with attention to every detail along the way. I’d also like to thank his farrier Arnie Gervasio, and his veterinarians, Brenden Furlong, Tim Ober, and many others along the way. Also, thank you to my mother, Linda Hough, who loves him almost as much as I do and calls him by the name ‘Joey Hough!’”

Although Joey’s show jumping career has come to an end, he will continue to stay in Hough’s care and will live out his years at Aston Farm, Hough’s base in England from April to November.

“He loves to go out hacking in the beautiful countryside and chase the sheep,” Hough said. “Thank you again to each and every one who has been a part of this magical journey. I love you, Joey!”